Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dwarft Fortress V: The Ageless Realms, Part III

15th Slate, 1051, Mid-Spring: Good News!

Things are starting to look hopeful! Construction of the fortress is coming along steadily, no one's died or drowned yet, and best of all, the river has thawed! It's mid-spring and all the snow has melted, which means fishing after all!

I'm already hatching plans to create a drainage system that connects to the lower pools to ensure they never dry up: during the winter, while the river was frozen, we can build water-tunnels with floodgates. Meanwhile, down below, we can build channels and make the higher-pools flow into the lower-pools and place water-wheels all throughout, generating power! And when the higher-pools start running low on water, we just open the floodgates in the spring and summer to replenish them!

Okay, I might be getting a bit ahead of myself here. We should first concentrate on finding viable food sources and building some sort of industry. Here's what the fortress looks like now, only two or three levels above the underground caverns:

Not much to look at, sure, but it's coming along! The farms are down below in the caverns themselves since that's the only place where the soil is soft enough for crops.

25th Slate, 1051, Mid-Spring: Then It Gets Fun

Work in the fortress was coming along nicely. While digging out the fortress proper, I had requested that beds be built for when the rooms were ready, and since Mariko had been idle I asked her to build some doors. When the rooms were finished, each had a bed and its own door for privacy! Unfortunately, no one bothered closing them before Troglogdytes attacked.

The Troglodytes came out of nowhere (well, presumably from the underground caverns) and the first thing they did was to drag Roxy from her bed and rip her apart in a violent, gory mess! I quickly drafted Mariko into a squad and ordered her to take down the Troglodyte, and she lunged after it brutally, beating the shit out of it with her fists. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough and the Troglodyte managed to strike her down too!

Meanwhile, a Giant Olm wandered its way in looking for a meal. In desperation, I closed and sealed the door that leads to the lower caverns, drafted everyone else into a cohesive squad, and had them all charge the Giant Olm.

The five of us smashed the Giant Olm to pieces with our bare hands in a matter of seconds, and it was over. Time to pick up the pieces...

We'll need to start building a tomb for our fallen dwarves, but also rethink our survival strategy. Without access to those caves, we're without farms, though with the river presently thawed, we can probably manage an aqueduct system of some sort... Hopefully, we can get one up and running before next winter.

On the plus side, I think we can butcher that Olm for food!

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