Friday, February 25, 2011


In the beginning...

Alright, I'm going to document the development of a fortress from its beginning to its untimely end and try to upload as many pictures as I can along the way, explaining my decisions and my expectations, and how they go horribly wrong.

The version I'm using is v0.31.19.

Let's start with an entirely new world:

First off, world generation. I personally like the history to be very short, because I like the idea that once your fortress crumbles and the game advances by a year, you create the world's history. I don't think I've ever made it longer than 26 years.

I also like there to be a ton of unique sites, horrible monsters and natural savagery. The game states that it makes embark a bit harder, but what it's really saying is it increases the amount of Fun.

So, let's see what kind of world it creates...

Behold! Nitom Num, "The Planets Of Wind"!


Historical figures: 1124
Dead: 223
Events: 2201

Strike Tha Motherlovin' Earth!

Alright, this looks like a good spot:

Yes, the Jungle of Influences, right next to the brook known as Dregestigma the Undignified Length. A ton of different minerals and heavy forests. The warm weather will keep my dwarves from dying of thirst and the neutral wilderness will prevent hunting injuries.

I usually like to take places that have Untamed Wilds, but this will do.

Now, as experienced as I am with the game, I still always take the Play Now! option just for the sake of convenience. The default load-out usually has everything I need to get started right away, and if not it's not a big deal to change the labors needed.

And so starts a new chapter in dwarven history with the founding of the outpost Nelascatten, "Flickeredchannels". Strike the earth!

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