Thursday, January 19, 2012

Increasingly More Horrifying

So these dwarves have it pretty tough.

Remember that Minotaur? That Minotaur was no problem. They took it down without a single casualty! What they didn't notice, however, was the goblin making off with one of the children. Oops!

Some time later, a forgotten beast appeared, some sort of giant worm-like monstrosity that gave off clouds of fiery ash. I thought, "No problem! It'll have to cross the Bridge of Death to get anywhere near my dwarves!"

But of course, it could fly, so it just flew around and killed about thirty dwarves. What followed after it was miraculously slain was what's known as a "tantrum spiral" where depression and misery create a vicious cycle and dwarves are driven to suicide. It's gotten far worse than I've ever seen it, where one dwarf really lost his marbles, killed another dwarf, and then made a cage from his bones.

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