Thursday, February 2, 2012

Succession Fortress: Kissroofs -- Year 1

Okay, forget Razorpartners, that place fell to floods and tantrum spirals. Instead, make way for Kissroofs!

This will be a legacy fortress, where, upon the completion of each year, a new overseer takes command. In this case, I will be sharing the fortress with Simon. So, let's get started...

Brook: Depressedguilt

Here's the embark site:

The site itself is on a cliffside, with the river at the bottom of a gully. I can already see bituminous coal in the walls!

I am Tom Unibarak, Woodcutter:

I worship two gods: Rubal Akmammishos and Etur Beras, the first a maritime god, the other a goddess of minerals.

First Steps For Survival

So for this first year, I'm going to ensure we have a good food industry so that we actually make it to my second turn. The two easiest industries to start with are fishing and farming, and we have plenty of sand where we can farm.

It's going to start fairly small and simple. Enough for food and brewing of drinks. Meanwhile, my fisherdwarves are fishing and I set the Jeweler to mining along with the miner. While the farms are being made, they're busy carving out the basic fort layout.

I don't know if I'll get far enough to get the workshops started, but I'll definitely try to get some bedrooms going.

18th Granite, 126

Well, this is starting out rather nicely.

19th Hematite, 126, Mid-Summer

Some migrants have arrived!

This is good for productivity. What I do when new migrants appear is check each of their skills as they enter. If they have anything immediately useful, like masonry or carpentry, I leave their skills on. Otherwise, I turn off whatever extraneous skills they have, turn on all the hauling, and rename their profession to "Hauler". These dwarfs now do nothing but haul materials.

I also turn off hauling on all the dwarfs that have proper jobs and skills. That way, they don't waste time hauling goods back and forth when they should be sculpting/carving/mining etc. Also, when I need to draft soldiers or just give somedwarf a new job, I can turn one of the Haulers into whatever's needed at the time.

Furthermore, if any of these dwarfs show up with military skills, I create the military squad. I don't bother with training as of yet, but in case we find thieves and the like, having some armed and skilled dwarfs comes in handy.

3rd Sandstone, 126, Mid-Autumn

More migrants!

These migrant waves can actually become a problem. You have to house and feed them, and not all of them are useful!

Oh well, time to set a bunch of them to hauling duty.

23rd Timber, 126, Late Autumn

So, not too long ago, one of the Haulers went into a secretive mood and skulked around his room for a while. I started building workshops like crazy to find out what he needed, and a glimpse at his skills revealed it would be something clothes-related. Sure enough, as soon as I built a clothier's, he ran outside and claimed it.

Now hopefully we have the resources needed to meet the insane vision the dwarf has...

28th Timber, 126, Late Autumn

Limul be praised! We had everything he needed and he constructed a hood. A hood called Deviousmyth. Our fortress' first legendary artefact! And now we have a legendary weaver. Hooray.

1st Granite, 127, Early Spring

Spring has arrived! And with that, my turn ends and I pass things off to Simon.

But first! A small status update.

First, the fortress.

We are 20 dwarf strong. Every dwarf has a room with a cabinet and a door. We also have a Broker and a Bookkeeper, for the sheer convenience of having them. Traders showed up at some point, but I didn't do much trading.

Right now we're a little low on booze, so I think we'll need more dwarfs working the farms, but we have a legendary cook already making amazing lavish meals for everyone, so food-wise we should be okay.

Now here we have the entrance and the farms. There are two bridges being built which will hopefully be retractable or something, to protect against invading hordes. There's a corridor that leads from the downward stairs to the farms so our farmers can farm in relative safety.

Here is the main floor. The food stores are immense, as I'm always optimistic about it. The butcher is in its own room to avoid having the miasma from butchered corpses affect other dwarfs. The kitchen area boasts a tannery, a kitchen, a still and a fishery. The office is for our bookkeeper, and the dining hall is for everyone else. It's a work in progress that requires more chairs and tables. There is no well yet.

One floor down we have the craftshops. The refuse stockpile is also closed off for the same reasons I closed off the butcher. There are two craftshops, one for making bone bolts, the other for making bone/shell crafts. As you can see, a possessed dwarf has taken over one of the shops and is currently demanding leather and bones. This is a problem since I already butchered all the animals I could to make sure our food situation would be okay.

The only solution I can think of right now is to have a hunter go out and kill something, but for that we need a bowyer's shop (currently being built outside) and then a successful hunt. Good luck, Simon!

Next, we have the major production floor. I've set the mason to building stone blocks indefinitely to lower our stone stockpiles. Otherwise, it's business as usual.

Finally, a couple floors lower are the apartments. Nothing too special about those.

And then several floors below that is the tomb I was planning on building for myself, but I didn't have time to finish it. Hopefully my dwarf survives long enough for me to see it finished, unless Simon wants to finish it for me.

That is all!

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