Thursday, February 9, 2012

Succession Fortress: Kissroofs -- Year 4

1st Granite 129
Reports have been filtering into the mountainholme for months of strange happenings in the colony of Kissroofs. Its hard to tell fact from fiction. We've got claims that babies have been drowned in the water supply; the town guards welcomed enemies into the fortress and then barred the gates, trapping the citizens inside; there are even rumors of madness and murder.

The king knows not what to believe, which is why I have been assigned as the new Praefectus of Kissroofs. What madness lies in wait for me I shudder to contemplate, yet the task remains. I scheduled transport on the next caravan to the settlement... it leaves within the hour.

5th Granite 129
I have arrived at Kissroofs to find the settlement in total disarray. The hillside is awash in goblin blood and the bloated corpses of foul beasts drift lazily down the river; their fetor mingles with the stench of death and uncleanliness that surrounds this horrid place.

At the gates, I called out to the guard for admittance. I have never beheld a more wretched creature; she -- I think it was a woman, but her grievous disfigurement made it difficult to tell -- was an ancient, hobbled thing. Her leg appeared to have been mangled in a gruesome fashion, and her nose looked to be broken in more than one place. In a voice like knives on china she named herself: Shorast Tradegem, hammerdwarf of Kissroofs. The slurring of her words suggested that she was drunk on duty, yet the dulling of her wits was a blessing, for deep in those milky cobalt eyes was a terrible gleam. I could only imagine what murderous intent those eyes must have in times of sobriety.

I followed the surly dwarf to the nobles quarter and made inquiries regarding the whereabouts of one "Tom" Unibarak, the leader of this settlement. To my shock, it seems that the former leader was displaced in a bloody uprising. His loyalists transported his dessicated corpse deep within the fortress to be enshrined forever in a decadent tomb. I went before the interim governor of the fortress and furnished him with proof of my authority granted by the dwarven king to immediately assume control of fortress. Upon hearing my demand for his resignation, the interim governor threw up his hands in thanks to the gods and ran from the room shrieking wildly. I have since been informed that he has gone completely insane from his brief experience in managing Kissroofs.

My first order of business was to restore order by arranging more robust leadership. In order to do so, I would first need to create suitable housing and administrative space in the nobles quarter. My plans are as follows:

10th Granite 129
The work progress has been halted. Reports are coming in from all over the fortress of common workmen being assaulted by a shadowy figure. Rumors have spread of the dread rogue Utes "Apewitch" Ozseosta, a goblin master thief of the highest caliber. The guards claim that the thief infiltrated the fortress during the last goblin attack, and has since been praying on the unwary workers.

I have ordered the fortress guards to deal with the situation, but they have been sleeping for several weeks straight. I fear that they have taken too strongly to the drink to be of much use.

I could not help but notice that of all the incompetent, drunken buffoons manning this fort, the so-called "haulers" of the working class were of a singularly industrious sort. Thus, I have created an impromptu militia consisting of only the basest rabble -- the sort that, while lacking true fighting experience, have the dependability required for such a task.

The new recruits were slow in finding the goblin, but eventually one of them cornered it in a storage room.

The battle waged for several hours, going completely unnoticed by half a dozen nearby dwarves who were too busy sleeping to come to the aid of the recruit. Although he battled bravely, he was far out-matched by the devious goblin. The master thief cut his hand off and sent him away crying in agony.

Boldly, the recruit overcame his pain and ran back into the fight! Such bravery! With only one hand left, the Kadul Ilsazir charged into battle. His warcry echoed through the halls of Kissroofs. It was the stuff of legends; no doubt his valiant deeds would be sung by the bards for ages to come. Even in its darkest hour, the dwarves of Kissroofs had a champion. Perhaps this was was Kissroofs needed -- an example... a hero!

... and then the goblin cut off his entire left fore-arm. The recruit ran away crying, only to pass out in the stairwell from severe pain and blood loss.

With enemies at the gates and no other option before me, I decided the best course of action -- nay, the only course of action -- was to enlist every last man woman and child in the destruction of this fiend. After recruiting the entire civilian populous in a fortress-wide mandatory draft, I directed the angry mob to find and kill the dread thief at any cost.

Moments later, the goblin was cornered in a corridor near the armory. The peasants held the goblin still while the sole remaining Hammerdwarf advanced on his foe. Opting for some inexplicable reason to use only his left forearm, Stinthêd Kolnìng grabbed the goblin by its toe and threw it against the wall SO HARD IT F***KING EXPLODED.

19th Slate 129
The fortress rejoiced after the defeat of the Goblin Master Thief, but the celebration was short-lived. Within the hour, one of the most respected doctors died of thirst. He was joined shortly by a veteran swordsdwarf. It seems that during the goblin siege, our water supply has run out.

I immediately commissioned the creation of wells in all accessible water supplies. Unfortunately, the goblins have blocked access to the river and reservoir. The only remaining water supply was the quickly dwindling pool kept near the infirmary. After much contemplation, I have decided to draw water from our moat. It may not be the cleanest but perhaps we can boil off most of the filth.

I was inspecting the new well near the drawbridge when we came under attack from goblin archers. It seems that my predecessor had forgotten to INSTALL DOORS in the gap created by the drawbridge. Several workers were injured before we could set up a barricade.

20th Slate 129
I awoke this morning an hour before dawn as the shouts of my page startled me from a fitful sleep. The lookouts spotted movement in the hills, and before long a trailing column of bedraggled dwarves wound its way down the valley. Migrants!

I tried to warn them, but too late! No sooner had they left the tree line they were spotted by the goblin horde. I used what time we had left to signal their leader using flag semiphore. Fortunately, he was able to rally the fearful craftsman under his command before the goblins reached their position.

With a single squad of unarmed, untrained dwarves, it was a slaughter. Half of the new recruits scattered. The goblins chased them mercilessly, running down the wounded and the stragglers. Fortunately, what few dwarves held the line were able to bludgeon a goblin to death.

The fields were slick with the blood of dwarf and goblin alike. The stench of blood and offal assailed the fortress from across the river.

The Massacre of Brewer's Grove

A clothier was pushed into Bronzebottom Pond and drowned in the lifeblood of his brethren as the goblins stood on the shore cackling.

The murderous goblins briefly disappeared into the foothills, butchering the livestock the migrants had driven before them. Quickly! Before the goblins returned, I signaled the rag-tag migrant squad to cross the river and take position in front of the moat. I then declared a military alert throughout the civilian populous. With the civilians safely in their burrows, there was no time to waste! I gave the order to lower the draw bridge and signaled the migrants to take refuge in the subterranean farm.

It worked! Of the twenty dwarves that came to seek refuge in our settlement, only seven remained alive. The survivors of the Brewer's Grove Massacre would lead shallow, haunted lives... but they would live.

30th Slate 129
With the surviving migrant population safely inside the fortress, it was time to start setting business straight again. I got the workshops back up and running and created a new mass grave near the farms to deal with the overabundance of corpses in the hallways.

Soon enough, the fortress rang with cries of "Bring out your dead!" It will take several days to completely rid the fortress of dismembered bodies. In the mean time, I have started a new construction project for the creation of additional burial chambers to house the remains of our fallen.

16th Felsite 129
Merchants have arrived and are unloading their goods! I am wary of this, for the goblins have been quiet of late... too quiet. I have decided to leave the gates closed. The merchants are welcome to remain outside our city walls, but I will not risk the populous in such dangerous times.

19th Felsite 129
An ambush! Curse them! As I suspected, the wily goblin scum attacked from a hidden camp in the nearby hills. There is little I can do but watch from the battlements as the goblins route the merchant caravan.

The caravan leader led the fleeing merchants to the edge of the moat.

"Lower the bridge! In the name of whatever gods you hold dear, SAVE US!" he shouted, "I beg of you... lower the bridge!"

From the battlements I met his gaze and shook my head in grim resignation. The hope drained from his eyes as the cries of the goblins reached a fever pitch.

The merchants tried to run, but to no avail. The goblins quickly ran them down and slew the lot.

9th Hematite 129
One of the Metalcrafters has been acting strange lately. He took over a workshop and demanded a single bar of iron. What could this mean?

13th Hematite 129
After working feverishly for days without sleeping, Olon Mingkilkol has crafted an artifact of surpassing beauty. Behold Okilsavot, the iron trumpet!

Unfortunately, I do not believe any of the dwarves know how to play the trumpet.

14th Hematite 129
I have decided to take action against the goblin menace; we are cut off from reinforcements and trade, yet our walls remain strong. I have ordered the construction of a tunnel running under the river. It is my hope that we can create a secondary entrance to the fortress farther away from vulnerable areas of the fortress. In particular, I want to ensure that any attack from this direction does not disrupt the flow of goods within our domain.

I have spoken at length with our mechanical corps about alternative methods of slaying the goblin fiends. The mechanics are a peculiar sort, tending towards reclusivity and tinkering... some of them seem to be outright mad. Yet it has long been said that genius and insanity are two sides of the same battleaxe, so I have felt inclined to humor their odd behavior if they can produce results. The leader of the mechanic guild ensures me that their artifice will be capable of slaying the foe regardless of their number, provided that we can arrange for a long enough corridor to booby-trap.

This information has been used in the construction plans of the river tunnel; we shall build a winding shaft and fill it with deadly traps, preventing entrance to the base proper. Then, when the traps are set, we shall dig our way to the surface and make our presence known to the goblin army. In their stupidity, the goblins will attempt to breach the secondary entrance, only to find the snaking, booby-trapped corridors that will be their doom.

In the mean time I have ordered the metalsmiths to construct giant serrated iron disks. These horrible weapons are too large for any dwarf to wield, but the mechanics ensure me that they can be used to make a deadly automated traps. Unfortunately I foresee the construction of these disks will take far too long to fill the corridors, so I will be forced to supplement them with cruder stone-fall traps.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Succession Fortress: Kissroofs -- Year 3

6th Limestone, 128, Early Autumn

Well, looks like we're screwed!

A vile force of darkness has appeared! Our numbers in the fortress had swollen to about 86 dorfs, and out of those I created two squads for defense: one melee and one archery. I set them to training at all times, but unfortunately it wasn't enough! The vile force of darkness, made of up axe-wielding goblins and one goblin riding a Giant Olm just tore through the entire military without a single loss.

Furthermore, a slight delay in our defensive wall-building provided the goblins with the means to infiltrate the fortress! Now, I'm not saying the fortress is doomed (ahaha!), but just in case, let's take a look at where we stood.

The entrance had a lot going for it. It had retractable bridges (retracted in this image), but unfortunately there was also a connection to the mainland via the ceiling. It wasn't walled off in time, thus allowing the golbins to enter the fortress.

Our barracks were plain enough. A place for melee training and a place for marksdwarves.

The main hall didn't change much, except for a bigger area for the food stores, tables and chairs for everyone, and an added leatherworks next to our tannery.

We had a pretty great metal industry on the go. A lot of iron, a ton of bituminous coal... all we needed was some flux and we could make steel!

Despite using no wood for our metal industry, I kept running out just building bins and beds trying to contain the overflow of mugs and sleepy dwarfs. Also, the myriads of pipes and giant corkscrews we would need to properly finish my tomb.

I had a really, really nice room, with a dining hall and office and everything. The Captain of the Guard was going to have nice stuff, too, but he was more or less the first to fall.

The apartments! I don't even know if this was enough for all our dwarfs.

And finally the resting places of Simon and I. Too bad we will never actually be interred in these!

Alright, now let's see how this plays out... I'm not going to just give up! I'm going to get our smiths to make as many axes as he can and make every dwarf an axe-dwarf.

26th Sandstone, 128, Late Autumn

We have survived the assault. We are now down to 38 dwarfs.

I'm cool with that!

Should be enough to finish my tomb before the tantrum spiral sets in...

28th Timber, 128, Late Autumn



4th Granite, 129, Early Spring

Oops! Missed the announcement that Spring had arrived! Well, there's a reason for that, which I'll get to in a moment. In the meantime, what a year!

Okay, first things first. I died. I went insane with rage after losing about 50 dwarfs to a goblin axeman siege, and then a speardwarf took my head off. At the time, my tomb was nearly finished. I spent the rest of winter feverishly finishing it, and now it's complete! And it works!

"What works?" you ask? Let me walk you through it.

First, you'll notice that the edges of my tomb are lined with grates.

These grates are the draining system for the waterfalls that feed into my tomb. They lead to:

The pump stack is automated and always pumping, thanks to a  few water-wheels I built at our surface-level reservoir.

This basically means that during the winter, when the river freezes over, our reservoir will be dumped down into my tomb for no other reason than it is pretty.

But okay, here's the important part. You can actually control the flow with two levers. The first lever closes a floodgate that keeps water from leaving the reservoir. The second lever actually blocks off the tombs completely, in case something happens to the top floodgate and the pump stack (like, say, a bunch of Trolls show up and smash them). Both levers are in the dining room, that way there's more chances of an idle dwarf being available to pull one.

Now, you may be wondering what the point of having three awesome waterfalls in your tomb might be.

For one, while the water is flowing down, it's a good idea to send the military down to stare at it for a little bit. Watching a waterfall gives dwarfs calming and soothing thoughts, and I was able to lift a few of their spirits up by stationing them next to the falls.

Other points of business: we are currently being ambushed by a few snatchers and about a dozen goblins. I pulled the lever that retracts the bridges, leaving the thieves trapped inside with us. Unfortunately, they've proven to be quite effective at avoiding capture/death at the hands of our completely inept military.

Good luck to the next overseer!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Succession Fortress: Kissroofs -- Year 2

I'm a much less experienced DFer than Tom, so I am confident that this will end dramatically.

I also use a bunch of performance-enhancing tools, via the Lazy Newb pack. Most important is Dwarf Therapist, which lets me change skills and see all our Dwarves' skills much more clearly.

1st Granite, year 127
First things first, I find a Dwarf, rename him after me, and promote him to expedition leader. I pick a Mason from the latest wave. I am Simon Sheshekmosus, seventy-five year old dwarf with little willpower and empathy. I admired my own fine door recently.

My last fortress fell to the weakest of goblin invasions, so I decide that my goal this year is to get the army whipped into shape. I start building crossbows and assign them to our only squad, The Silvery Years.

Now to deal with this possessed dwarf. The only item he seems to be missing is leather, so I decide to declare war on a nearby badger clan.

My soldiers haven’t picked up their crossbows yet,and they’re all Wrestlers, so they start chasing the badger around, trying to grapple it. Finally our Hunter helps himself to a spare crossbow and kills the badger.

The next day a badger kills one of our guinea pigs in retaliation. The army’s been recalled, but I forget about the hunter. A badger boar is killed.

The badgers kill someone’s pet duck. War is hell. The hunter goes on to exterminate all wildlife on the map until I remember to tell him to cool his jets. There will be no shortage of bone this year.

4th of Slate, 127
22 dwarf migrants have arrived, our biggest migrant wave yet that doubles our population. I start digging more bedrooms.

I also double the size of our farms, and clean a lot of the spare stone lying around.

9th of Slate, 127

I finally got the badger corpse into the fort, a butcher chopped it up and the instant Monom Athelavéd started tanning the hide...

At least he won't get violent, right?

14th of Hematite, 127
Lokum has died of thirst. First Dwarf to die in this fortress, and the first one to be buried in the new commoner's crypt, across the hall from Tom's (which I finish cleaning, smoothing and engraving).

I also start the construction of my own tomb, just behind Tom's.

24th of Felsite, 127

Another dwarf is possessed, but this time it goes much more smoothly. He claims a Craftsdwarf’s Workshop, and emerges two weeks later without incident.

22nd of Galena, 127

Snatcher! Protect the children!

She escapes after being spotted, but a few more start poking around. Finally one is killed just on the bridge entering the fort, and the dwarves refuse to move it.

Four or five wild animals have starved to death in our dining hall, so I build a pasture across the river.

5th of Timber, 127

Another mad dwarf.

Again it goes well, and Rith emerges with Adagtarmid, a badger bone mask. It is engraved with an image of a dwarf admiring a set of beds made of badger bone.


1st - 30th of Opal, 127

The river froze over. I haven’t played in a wintry clime in ages, so I forgot that could happen.

Booze production’s been shitty all year, so we soon run out of drink. I start panicking, worried that the entire fort is about to die of thirst. I tunnel deep and quick, hoping to find an underground lake. Luckily I don’t stumble into a dungeon or unleash a troglodyte or anything.

Luckily enough the river thaws at the end of the month, before anyone can die. Phew.

I also notice that we don’t have any dimple cup seeds or plump helmet seeds, so the fields sit fallow all winter. I tell the Outpost liaison to try and bring a bunch of seeds next year.


Two caravans visited this year, but I forget or failed to trade with them. It’s a shame too, because we have about a million stone mugs that need to go.

I start mining deeper below the fortress and run into gold, silver and gems around level 123. Jackpot.

Next to the fort’s entrance I build a barracks and an archery range for the Silvery Years. They spend every second month training, usually in crossbows.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I also build my own tomb, just behind Tom’s. I accidentally make it a bit bigger. Oops, did I fill that with ornate statues? Clumsy me. I’m sure no one will mind.

Succession Fortress: Kissroofs -- Year 1

Okay, forget Razorpartners, that place fell to floods and tantrum spirals. Instead, make way for Kissroofs!

This will be a legacy fortress, where, upon the completion of each year, a new overseer takes command. In this case, I will be sharing the fortress with Simon. So, let's get started...

Brook: Depressedguilt

Here's the embark site:

The site itself is on a cliffside, with the river at the bottom of a gully. I can already see bituminous coal in the walls!

I am Tom Unibarak, Woodcutter:

I worship two gods: Rubal Akmammishos and Etur Beras, the first a maritime god, the other a goddess of minerals.

First Steps For Survival

So for this first year, I'm going to ensure we have a good food industry so that we actually make it to my second turn. The two easiest industries to start with are fishing and farming, and we have plenty of sand where we can farm.

It's going to start fairly small and simple. Enough for food and brewing of drinks. Meanwhile, my fisherdwarves are fishing and I set the Jeweler to mining along with the miner. While the farms are being made, they're busy carving out the basic fort layout.

I don't know if I'll get far enough to get the workshops started, but I'll definitely try to get some bedrooms going.

18th Granite, 126

Well, this is starting out rather nicely.

19th Hematite, 126, Mid-Summer

Some migrants have arrived!

This is good for productivity. What I do when new migrants appear is check each of their skills as they enter. If they have anything immediately useful, like masonry or carpentry, I leave their skills on. Otherwise, I turn off whatever extraneous skills they have, turn on all the hauling, and rename their profession to "Hauler". These dwarfs now do nothing but haul materials.

I also turn off hauling on all the dwarfs that have proper jobs and skills. That way, they don't waste time hauling goods back and forth when they should be sculpting/carving/mining etc. Also, when I need to draft soldiers or just give somedwarf a new job, I can turn one of the Haulers into whatever's needed at the time.

Furthermore, if any of these dwarfs show up with military skills, I create the military squad. I don't bother with training as of yet, but in case we find thieves and the like, having some armed and skilled dwarfs comes in handy.

3rd Sandstone, 126, Mid-Autumn

More migrants!

These migrant waves can actually become a problem. You have to house and feed them, and not all of them are useful!

Oh well, time to set a bunch of them to hauling duty.

23rd Timber, 126, Late Autumn

So, not too long ago, one of the Haulers went into a secretive mood and skulked around his room for a while. I started building workshops like crazy to find out what he needed, and a glimpse at his skills revealed it would be something clothes-related. Sure enough, as soon as I built a clothier's, he ran outside and claimed it.

Now hopefully we have the resources needed to meet the insane vision the dwarf has...

28th Timber, 126, Late Autumn

Limul be praised! We had everything he needed and he constructed a hood. A hood called Deviousmyth. Our fortress' first legendary artefact! And now we have a legendary weaver. Hooray.

1st Granite, 127, Early Spring

Spring has arrived! And with that, my turn ends and I pass things off to Simon.

But first! A small status update.

First, the fortress.

We are 20 dwarf strong. Every dwarf has a room with a cabinet and a door. We also have a Broker and a Bookkeeper, for the sheer convenience of having them. Traders showed up at some point, but I didn't do much trading.

Right now we're a little low on booze, so I think we'll need more dwarfs working the farms, but we have a legendary cook already making amazing lavish meals for everyone, so food-wise we should be okay.

Now here we have the entrance and the farms. There are two bridges being built which will hopefully be retractable or something, to protect against invading hordes. There's a corridor that leads from the downward stairs to the farms so our farmers can farm in relative safety.

Here is the main floor. The food stores are immense, as I'm always optimistic about it. The butcher is in its own room to avoid having the miasma from butchered corpses affect other dwarfs. The kitchen area boasts a tannery, a kitchen, a still and a fishery. The office is for our bookkeeper, and the dining hall is for everyone else. It's a work in progress that requires more chairs and tables. There is no well yet.

One floor down we have the craftshops. The refuse stockpile is also closed off for the same reasons I closed off the butcher. There are two craftshops, one for making bone bolts, the other for making bone/shell crafts. As you can see, a possessed dwarf has taken over one of the shops and is currently demanding leather and bones. This is a problem since I already butchered all the animals I could to make sure our food situation would be okay.

The only solution I can think of right now is to have a hunter go out and kill something, but for that we need a bowyer's shop (currently being built outside) and then a successful hunt. Good luck, Simon!

Next, we have the major production floor. I've set the mason to building stone blocks indefinitely to lower our stone stockpiles. Otherwise, it's business as usual.

Finally, a couple floors lower are the apartments. Nothing too special about those.

And then several floors below that is the tomb I was planning on building for myself, but I didn't have time to finish it. Hopefully my dwarf survives long enough for me to see it finished, unless Simon wants to finish it for me.

That is all!