Thursday, February 2, 2012

Succession Fortress: Kissroofs -- Year 2

I'm a much less experienced DFer than Tom, so I am confident that this will end dramatically.

I also use a bunch of performance-enhancing tools, via the Lazy Newb pack. Most important is Dwarf Therapist, which lets me change skills and see all our Dwarves' skills much more clearly.

1st Granite, year 127
First things first, I find a Dwarf, rename him after me, and promote him to expedition leader. I pick a Mason from the latest wave. I am Simon Sheshekmosus, seventy-five year old dwarf with little willpower and empathy. I admired my own fine door recently.

My last fortress fell to the weakest of goblin invasions, so I decide that my goal this year is to get the army whipped into shape. I start building crossbows and assign them to our only squad, The Silvery Years.

Now to deal with this possessed dwarf. The only item he seems to be missing is leather, so I decide to declare war on a nearby badger clan.

My soldiers haven’t picked up their crossbows yet,and they’re all Wrestlers, so they start chasing the badger around, trying to grapple it. Finally our Hunter helps himself to a spare crossbow and kills the badger.

The next day a badger kills one of our guinea pigs in retaliation. The army’s been recalled, but I forget about the hunter. A badger boar is killed.

The badgers kill someone’s pet duck. War is hell. The hunter goes on to exterminate all wildlife on the map until I remember to tell him to cool his jets. There will be no shortage of bone this year.

4th of Slate, 127
22 dwarf migrants have arrived, our biggest migrant wave yet that doubles our population. I start digging more bedrooms.

I also double the size of our farms, and clean a lot of the spare stone lying around.

9th of Slate, 127

I finally got the badger corpse into the fort, a butcher chopped it up and the instant Monom Athelavéd started tanning the hide...

At least he won't get violent, right?

14th of Hematite, 127
Lokum has died of thirst. First Dwarf to die in this fortress, and the first one to be buried in the new commoner's crypt, across the hall from Tom's (which I finish cleaning, smoothing and engraving).

I also start the construction of my own tomb, just behind Tom's.

24th of Felsite, 127

Another dwarf is possessed, but this time it goes much more smoothly. He claims a Craftsdwarf’s Workshop, and emerges two weeks later without incident.

22nd of Galena, 127

Snatcher! Protect the children!

She escapes after being spotted, but a few more start poking around. Finally one is killed just on the bridge entering the fort, and the dwarves refuse to move it.

Four or five wild animals have starved to death in our dining hall, so I build a pasture across the river.

5th of Timber, 127

Another mad dwarf.

Again it goes well, and Rith emerges with Adagtarmid, a badger bone mask. It is engraved with an image of a dwarf admiring a set of beds made of badger bone.


1st - 30th of Opal, 127

The river froze over. I haven’t played in a wintry clime in ages, so I forgot that could happen.

Booze production’s been shitty all year, so we soon run out of drink. I start panicking, worried that the entire fort is about to die of thirst. I tunnel deep and quick, hoping to find an underground lake. Luckily I don’t stumble into a dungeon or unleash a troglodyte or anything.

Luckily enough the river thaws at the end of the month, before anyone can die. Phew.

I also notice that we don’t have any dimple cup seeds or plump helmet seeds, so the fields sit fallow all winter. I tell the Outpost liaison to try and bring a bunch of seeds next year.


Two caravans visited this year, but I forget or failed to trade with them. It’s a shame too, because we have about a million stone mugs that need to go.

I start mining deeper below the fortress and run into gold, silver and gems around level 123. Jackpot.

Next to the fort’s entrance I build a barracks and an archery range for the Silvery Years. They spend every second month training, usually in crossbows.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I also build my own tomb, just behind Tom’s. I accidentally make it a bit bigger. Oops, did I fill that with ornate statues? Clumsy me. I’m sure no one will mind.

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