Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Succession Fortress: Kissroofs -- Year 3

6th Limestone, 128, Early Autumn

Well, looks like we're screwed!

A vile force of darkness has appeared! Our numbers in the fortress had swollen to about 86 dorfs, and out of those I created two squads for defense: one melee and one archery. I set them to training at all times, but unfortunately it wasn't enough! The vile force of darkness, made of up axe-wielding goblins and one goblin riding a Giant Olm just tore through the entire military without a single loss.

Furthermore, a slight delay in our defensive wall-building provided the goblins with the means to infiltrate the fortress! Now, I'm not saying the fortress is doomed (ahaha!), but just in case, let's take a look at where we stood.

The entrance had a lot going for it. It had retractable bridges (retracted in this image), but unfortunately there was also a connection to the mainland via the ceiling. It wasn't walled off in time, thus allowing the golbins to enter the fortress.

Our barracks were plain enough. A place for melee training and a place for marksdwarves.

The main hall didn't change much, except for a bigger area for the food stores, tables and chairs for everyone, and an added leatherworks next to our tannery.

We had a pretty great metal industry on the go. A lot of iron, a ton of bituminous coal... all we needed was some flux and we could make steel!

Despite using no wood for our metal industry, I kept running out just building bins and beds trying to contain the overflow of mugs and sleepy dwarfs. Also, the myriads of pipes and giant corkscrews we would need to properly finish my tomb.

I had a really, really nice room, with a dining hall and office and everything. The Captain of the Guard was going to have nice stuff, too, but he was more or less the first to fall.

The apartments! I don't even know if this was enough for all our dwarfs.

And finally the resting places of Simon and I. Too bad we will never actually be interred in these!

Alright, now let's see how this plays out... I'm not going to just give up! I'm going to get our smiths to make as many axes as he can and make every dwarf an axe-dwarf.

26th Sandstone, 128, Late Autumn

We have survived the assault. We are now down to 38 dwarfs.

I'm cool with that!

Should be enough to finish my tomb before the tantrum spiral sets in...

28th Timber, 128, Late Autumn



4th Granite, 129, Early Spring

Oops! Missed the announcement that Spring had arrived! Well, there's a reason for that, which I'll get to in a moment. In the meantime, what a year!

Okay, first things first. I died. I went insane with rage after losing about 50 dwarfs to a goblin axeman siege, and then a speardwarf took my head off. At the time, my tomb was nearly finished. I spent the rest of winter feverishly finishing it, and now it's complete! And it works!

"What works?" you ask? Let me walk you through it.

First, you'll notice that the edges of my tomb are lined with grates.

These grates are the draining system for the waterfalls that feed into my tomb. They lead to:

The pump stack is automated and always pumping, thanks to a  few water-wheels I built at our surface-level reservoir.

This basically means that during the winter, when the river freezes over, our reservoir will be dumped down into my tomb for no other reason than it is pretty.

But okay, here's the important part. You can actually control the flow with two levers. The first lever closes a floodgate that keeps water from leaving the reservoir. The second lever actually blocks off the tombs completely, in case something happens to the top floodgate and the pump stack (like, say, a bunch of Trolls show up and smash them). Both levers are in the dining room, that way there's more chances of an idle dwarf being available to pull one.

Now, you may be wondering what the point of having three awesome waterfalls in your tomb might be.

For one, while the water is flowing down, it's a good idea to send the military down to stare at it for a little bit. Watching a waterfall gives dwarfs calming and soothing thoughts, and I was able to lift a few of their spirits up by stationing them next to the falls.

Other points of business: we are currently being ambushed by a few snatchers and about a dozen goblins. I pulled the lever that retracts the bridges, leaving the thieves trapped inside with us. Unfortunately, they've proven to be quite effective at avoiding capture/death at the hands of our completely inept military.

Good luck to the next overseer!

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