Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dwarft Fortress V: The Ageless Realms, Part V

6th Malachite, 1051, Mid-Summer: And Then There Were Seven... Again

Migrants have come! Two! With nothing!

I can't imagine under what dismal conditions they were coerced to come to this fortress, but now they're here and they're stuck! Suckers! The new-comers are Dee Onulsanred, a Miner (which is excellent) and Ros Lertethiteb, a Clothier (which is less excellent).

Having an extra miner around is going to be a big help with the expansion. We'll be able to move the Trade Depot deep underground, as well as all the workshops and furniture. My only worry is that it also means an extra couple of mouths to feed, but we'll see about keeping them busy finding food sources.
(Close-up of the furniture for some reason)

Again, that extra miner is also going to help with the construction of an irrigation system for farming. The kind of farming that doesn't involve getting murdered by Troglodytes.

Shit, we better get started on a well, too. Once the river freezes again, we're humped.

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