Monday, August 9, 2010

Dwarft Fortress V: The Ageless Realms, Part VII

13th Sandstone, 1051, Mid-Autumn: Blind Cave Ogres And Other Dangers Of Farming

So I asked Dee to set-up a few cage-traps in the tunnel that leads into the fortress from the caves, but about mid-way through setting up the last of them he was interrupted by a couple of wandering Blind Cave Ogres. He had the good sense to run back into the fortress, behind the other traps he'd thankfully had the time to set-up, and the two Ogres ran straight into them.

Fortress-death averted!

Of course, now I have two Ogres in cages I need to stash somewhere.

What to do, what to do...?

Can you say fighting arena? I'm sure nothing could possibly go wrong with this plan!

24th Sandstone, 1051, Mid-Autumn: More Migrants!

Well, this is a surprise! I guess news of the survivability of the fortress has spread! We have now jumped from 7 dwarves to 15, which is both a good and bad thing.

Obviously, the advantage is that we get all those extra hands at labour. The disadvantage is feeding, clothing, and sheltering all these dwarves. I think I'll draft a bunch in the military and send them off on suicide missions.

So, among the newcomers are: Romain, Steph, Meghan, Alanna, Danielle, Tansy, Nicolas, and Liisa. Geez, only two guys in the whole group. I'm running out of people I know. We have Brewers, Cheese Makers, Tanners, Buthers and Engravers. Gonna have to see about getting them to make themselves useful.

I've just noticed a real serious problem, besides the Ogres that might bust out of their cages and kill us all, that is: we're out of alcohol.

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