Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dwarft Fortress V: The Ageless Realms, Part IX

10th Opal, 1051, Mid-Winter: There Will Be Blood (More)

The arena is complete.

Well, maybe not as complete as I would like it, but it is technically functional. Here's what it looks like:

There are two prison chambers that contain cages. The Ogre is in the northern one and the Troglodyte in the southern one. Now, all doors are set to forbidden passage, which technically means people or creatures can only get through if they smash them down.

I don't think Cave Ogres can smash them down.

Anyway, in the control room, there are five levers. Two of them open the cages of each creature respectively, and two others open the doors to the rooms that contain the cages and open out onto the arena floor. It'll be up to the monsters themselves to wander out and maybe duke it out. At this point, I have no idea if they'll actually fight.

The fifth lever opens up a small compartment containing more cage traps, so that when the monters are done killing each other, or if they don't kill each other at all, eventually they may wander in and get trapped once more and I can start the process over.

Let's see how it goes!


The Ogre emerged from its cage as the Troglodyte ran out onto the arena floor! The Troglodyte ran at the doors a few times, but the Ogre just sort of sat there... Neither creature attacking the other.

Damn it.

... I don't like the way that Troglodyte is staring at those doors.

I think maybe it hears its brethren calling from down below. There's a whole squad of them just waiting for us:

Now here's the messed-up part. The one that killed Eric earned itself a name!

That's right! It is now infamous! And it bears the scars of battle to prove its superiority!

Damn you, Merrangod! DAMN YOU.


Okay, well, at least the Cave Ogre is contained. I can just hit the lever and trap it once more. The question now remains, can my dwarves take on a single Troglodyte? It'll be 4 against one, but I have yet to kill one of these things.

All right, here we go. This one is for Bex, Mariko and Eric, whose tragic losses are felt every day...

The Troglodyte makes a break for it! It dashes out the door and the squad is on it in an instant! We unleash our fury with wild abandon, beating the living breath out of it! The thing never stood a chance! We literally tear the thing in two! Blood is evewhere! My god, the carnage!

And no sooner do we kill it does Nicolas run up and grab the thing's upper body. I hope it's to toss it in the refuse pile, but then again he is a tanner...

That only leaves us with...


Time to take care of the Ogre.

Again, I feel kind of bad for these things. They're blind, slow and stupid, but they'd rip us in half if we gave them half a chance. So here we go. We open the last doors and release the rest of our anger...

The thing tries to run! It smashes into Kevin and Emily, breaking Emily's ankle and Kevin's shoulder as the rest of them pound into it. Bruised all over and bleeding profusely, it makes a break for the rest of the fortress while we give chase!

It stumbles through our furniture and stone stockpiles as even Emily, whose ankle is broken, continues chase! We corner it and continue to give it a fierce beating until it breathes its last...

... Man, that was messy.

Okay. This arena thing merits revision.

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