Monday, December 5, 2011

Coalclinched -- The Beginning

Coalclinched is going to be about caste and seniority. The older dwarves will get the better priviledges, and the newer ones (the immigrants) will have to prove themselves.

Let's meet the doomed lucky dwarves involved!

First up is Kel "Peakbolted" Ilromalath, the miner:

He worships Urosh Ngathsesh Vesh, a deity of the Rough Crafts that usually takes the form of a male dwarf and is associated with dreams, nightmares and the night, and Risen, another deity of the Rough Craft, this one taking on the form of a female dwarf and being associated with minerals and metals. How apt for a miner!

He is  good friends with Zon Alathagsal, the expedition leader and fish cleaner, and Mafol Uzolakil, our woodworker.

And so, our woodworker looks something like this:

She worships Kattir, a deity of the Rough Craft that appears as a male dwarf and is associated with fortresses, and Kadol, another deity of the Rough Craft that looks like a female dwarf and is associated with wealth.

Her only friend is Kel the miner.

Next up is our woodcutter, Mestthos "Whipconstruct" Bomrekaban:

She worships Ber, a deity of the Rough Craft that usually takes the form of a male dwarf and is associated with mountains, as well as Kadol, as mentioned previously. She has no real friends among the embark group, only acquaintances.

Then we have our stoneworker, Ushrir "Bluenesswalls" Enoradil:

She worships Kadol and Ber, and her only friend is Dodok Udizlibash, the fisherdwarf.

The expedition leader is Zon "Boltpools" Alathagsal:

He worships Ber and Risen, and is friends only with Kel the miner.

And finally, we have Dodok "Presentaxe" Udizlibash, the fisherdwarf:

He worships Katthir, and also Stelmith Leganka Gathilkoshosh Mishthem the Sensual Library of Scholars, deity of the Rough Craft, most often taking on the form of a female dwarf and being associated with beauty and art. He is good friends with Atir and Ushrir.

Here is the area in the world they have embarked:

And the region itself, which is mostly fields with a river and a couple of hills, and a single goat to hunt:

Right then, let's get started!

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