Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dead Elves, Dead Goblins, Happy Dwarves

17th Moonstone, 252, Early Winter

As the second year of Coalclinched comes to a close, the fortress celebrates with the birth of its first child: Ushrir "Axestrapped" Libashniles.

Congratulations to Rovod "Cudgelwires" Asteshshorast! She now has both a son and a daughter, and I'm pretty sure her husband is still alive!

25th Opal, 252, Mid-Winter

Mafol "Craftsstroked" had gone a little mad. He was wandering around the statue garden with a worrying gleam in his eye until it occurred to someone to build a smithy. Once there, he started mumbling about bones and metal, which had most of us confused still.

Bones we had plenty of, but metal we were short on. Luckily, we'd just finished building a wood burning shop to help with the soap for our hospital, so we made some charcoal, grabbed a piece of sphalerite and pounded out a zinc bar. Mafol dove for the zinc the moment it was cool enough to touch along with a handful of bones.

He created a zinc battle-axe which he decided to name "The Gloved Nut".

20th Obsidian, 252, Late Winter

To celebrate the last month of winter, we have a goblin snatcher trapped in a cage!

We just finished our arena, more or less, and it has a balcony from which my marksdwarves can fire. Good target practice, if nothing goes wrong. Let's have some fun!

25th Obsidian, 252, Late Winter

An ambush! Curse them!

We kept getting snatcher after snatcher, and I was starting to get a little suspicious. All of sudden, bam! Six goblin invaders!

Okay, here's the defense plan: Raise the drawbridge for now and see how many more get trapped in those cages. Once trapped, I'll get my militia into position and let down the drawbridge. There's enough cages in the halls that lead to the main fortress that most should get captured before they to fight, but we'll see.

My only worry is that this will be the first battle for many of them.

6th Granite, 253, Early Spring

Well, that could have gone... better.

The entire militia but for two dwarves was slaughtered by two goblins. They managed to sneak in, and then all the militia dwarves got axed. The two that survived only did so because they weren't there. One of them, Adil, was asleep during the battle, and the other was Zon, who is also our hunter, whom I didn't send out.

After the horrible slaughter, I decided to throw the entire fortress at them. Zon led the charge, taking out two goblins with bolts, and the others were taken out by our capenters and a dog.

Which leads me to wonder what the squad was doing this entire time when they were "training".

The militia squad was made up of mostly immigrants, and none of them really stood out save for Ast, who had decapitated that alligator that one time. I was really hoping to see her have a future, but the fortress giveth and the fortress taketh away. Also you get murdered by goblins.

The only other notable loss is a couple: a husband and wife, both dead but childless at least, so leaving no orphans behind.

Welp, time to bury the dead and collect our loot!

I'm disbanding the base militia and re-assigning Zon to lead and train the next wave of immigrants into proper snipers.

28th Granite, 253, Early Spring

A new wave of goblin fodder marksdwarves has arrived!

25th Felsite, 253, Late Spring

An elven caravan has arrived and we started trading with no problems. As I'm sorting through the crafts we've made, I notice a yak hoof figurine of Mosus, our resident bonecrafter who is also legendary, and who made that bone ring earlier.

This figurine was carved by... Mosus. He's making figurines of himself. Clearly, his ego is a little inflated.

Regardless, before I can get too far with the trading, the goblins launch another ambush! I'll see if the elven caravan traders can't take care of them first while I call everyone back inside. Worst case scenario, I have to fight the gobbos myself. Best case, I don't have to fight them at all, and it won't be "trading" so much as "the spoils of war".

Let's see how this plays out.

28th Felsite, 253, Late Spring

Now that is how it should go!

Sure enough, the elf merchants took the worst of it. Yeah, they got their limbs and heads and other bits cut off, though they did manage to take out a couple of goblins. Bolstered by this, my new squad, led by Zon, charged forth, bolts flying, and cut down all the remaining goblins. I only lost some nameless recruit who charged headlong into battle with no weapons.

And now there's all this merchandise sitting here with no merchants to take it away...

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