Thursday, December 15, 2011


16th Timber, 253, Late Autumn

A vile force of darkness has appeared! And this, only days after Zon, my captain of the guard, has given birth to a girl!Congratulations!

Over the horizon, it appears that the force is a group of axe-wielding goblins, one of which is riding an elk bird. This shouldn't pose too much of a threat against my sniper squad, but we'll see how it goes.

First things first: everyone back to base before I close up the drawbridge! Next, get the military in position. The squadron known as the Glee of Lashes is made up of migrants that had some experience with combat before they showed up, while the Tombs of Stilling are the snipers. The Tombs will be positioned on the second floor of the outer tower while the Lashes are going to wait inside, just in case.

The bridge goes up before any invaders are able to reach it and my military gets into position. With no clear path into my fortress, the invaders appear confused and unsure. Time to adopt an old tactic: lift the bridge up-and-down constantly to lure them forward.

28th Timber, 253, Late Autumn

We've broken the siege!

It went flawlessly. They weren't taking the bait with the bridge, so I left it down to let them come at us. They charge forward and were met with a hail of bolts which tore through their numbers. Bolstered by this, my melee squad rushed out and met them head-on.

We scattered them almost immediately as they continued to be peppered with bolts. We destroyed them completely and didn't take a single casualty, though we're not without wounded.

Time to lick our wounds and grab the spoils of war!

12th Moonstone, 253, Early Winter

Two dwarves are in the hospital for leg-related injuries they sustained in the siege, but otherwise all seems well.

Zon has earned herself the title of "Authoredclasp the Enchanted Brigand" and currently has over 21 kills to her name. Thirteen of those are due mostly to her time as a hunter before being placed in charge of the military, but the other nine are all goblins.

In addition to this, she remains happily married to Nish Sengetur, a mechanic, and together they have two children: the daughter Zon gave birth to just before the siege and a son who is a gifted boncarver. And by gifted, I mean Legendary. They also have a pet cat.

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