Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Deeper Underground

22nd Timber, 251, Late Autumn

Worried about our food supplies despite the excellent trading and constant cooking and brewing, I decide to get rid of the excess animals and butcher a couple of cats and dogs. This only excites Mosus, who once again leaps at the bones and leather left behind.

Whatever her intentions, we'll soon know as she shut herself up completely inside the craftshop, and we can hear her fervently working away at... something.

27th Timber, 251, Late Autumn

After nearly a week of madness, Mosus emerges with... a ring. A bone ring.

"Behold!" she cries. "The Stale Alchemy!"

10th Moonstone, 251, Early Winter

Winter is officially upon us, but it is no cause for concern. Everything has been moved underground and our industries are working along nicely. The immigrants are snug in their dormitories while the real workers are happy with their lodgings.

We are a Hamlet now, numbering 20 healthy dwarves. I have just named Bim as bookkeeper so we can get an accurate count of where we're at in terms of supplies.

Next year's main concern will be security. There's goblins and kobolds out there, and they're not going to wait too long to make themselves known to us! Better start on some traps, just in case.

18th Moonstone, 251, Early Winter

I have just noticed that Mosus' little ring project launched her into being a legendary bone carver. She is the first legendary anything in Coalclinched. Congrats, girl!

1st Obsidian, 251, Late Winter

We're carving out a barracks for what is going to be our military. Ast will be in charge of it. We've already made her a  wooden practice sword once we get things up and running.

I imagine building a hospital would be just as useful at this point.

Meanwhile, Rigoth Rainorb, husband of Rovod, claims to be hearing voices and has been taken by a fey mood. Better keep a close eye on him...

22nd Obsidian, 251, Late Winter

Rigoth has been yelling for yarn wool which, unfortunately, we do not have nor are able to produce. Hopefully he won't lose his mind before we can get some. I would hate for Rovod to be widowed.

That, and I don't feel like building crypts just yet.

In other news, we had a goblin snatcher appear! He didn't make it out with anything but managed to escape as Ast gave chase. This is but the beginning.

1st Granite, 252, Early Spring

Year 2 has officially begun. The first year was amazingly successful, so hopefully the second year will be just as good. We managed to achieve all our goals of the first year, mostly being to establish the living quarters and conditions, start a renewable food source, and get everything sheltered.

This year's goals will include: get a proper militia up and running, build a functioning hospital, get the outside defenses up and inside traps set, and build an arena.

Our more short-term goals include getting some yarn wool for Rovod who's starting to look a little madder than usual...

19th Granite, 252, Early Spring

Rovod has lost it! He's gone stark raving mad and is now babbling like a crazy person through the fortress. Eventually he'll die of thirst or hunger, but that's going to take a while. In the meantime, he's running back and forth between the workshops and the slums wearing nothing but a pair of pants, gloves and a shoe.

8th Slate, 252, Mid-Spring

In an effort to get people's minds off the crazy dwarf running around, I'm going to build a statue garden just off the main meeting hall. Our mason is quite skilled and apparently knowledgeable with his history. Here's a few statue examples:

Here's one where they thought appointing Ast was worth commemorating:

On the topic of Ast, she's picked up a steel axe and started training with that, on her own. Surely we'll soon get more immigrants with a few combat skills to join her side.

As it turns out, however, our mason artist is not fond of Bim:

Turns out Ushrir is a fan of the Stale Alchemy, the horse-bone ring that Mosus created in her madness:

There are other statues, too, of historical dwarves being struck down by goblins. A particularly inspiring one is of the foundation of Coalclinched itself. Hopefully this will be a realxing garden, so long as Bim doesn't see what the masons think of her.

10th Slate, 252, Mid-Spring

Huzzah! Migrants! Let's see how many turn out useful.

Our first new arrival is Mistem "Tomesmob" Melbilodgub, and she appears to be skilled only in military tactics. She is a definite shoe-in as a new addition to our military!

Kulet "Foundpaint" Atollogem is a furnace operator, and barely that. Looks more like a hauler or stonecarver to me.

Thob "Brimsteel" Kakdaldeler, besides having an awesome nickname, is apparently quite skilled in combat! He'll join up the ranks of Ast and Mistem. Apparently, the journey here was rough as he's already getting used to tragedy...

Rith "Tourbastion" Sigunberul shows up with some talent in butchery. Good! We'll assign him as that and nothing else, along with a room. No immigrant slums for him!

Doren "Dabblelabored" Gikuterith claims to be a novice liar. That's not something someone should boast about, unless they love hauling duty! Although, seeing as she is muscular and mighty, maybe the militia would benefit from her presence.

Momuz "Netraked" Kibborush is a dyer and adequate clothier, but unfortunately, we don't have much of a clothing industry going on right now. Although we could try to start one. Sure, why not? For you, Momuz.

Zon "Authoredclasp" Ardesdodok is a talented marksdwarf, making her a perfect hunter, which is good, because we just got a new butcher! She gets a room immediately.

More interesting, she also showed up with her husband and son, and their pet kitten Astesh Solonnikuz!

Nish "Ringboulder" Sengetur, the husband, is a novice mechanic. He automatically gets a room from being married to Zon, so I might as well let him continue to be a mechanic. It'll at least free up Ushrir who's doing double-duty between stone work and mechanisms.

Ducim "Anguishlance" Roldethkubuk is the 9 year old only son of Zon and Nish. I hope he survives long enough to grow up.

Rimtar "Talonchannels" is another beekeeper... so, hauler.

Dodok "Bellsprinkled" Rithimesh is a stonecarver!

Olon "Blazesgalleys" Sakrithdegel has shown up with every farming labour enabled, and a bit of skill in most of them. I'm going to reward that optimism with a room and no hauling duties.

... And you know what? They just keep coming. This last wave of immigrants has more than doubled our population and we are now at 42 dwarves.

First things first: slaughtering all those animals that came with them. It'll keep us supplied without enough food to feed everyone for a bit, and save us the trouble of having to feed them.

11th Felsite, 252, Late Spring

Rigoth has finally died of thirst. He was standing among the statues when it happened, babbling madly, staring off into space, half-dressed and wild. He is the first casualty of Coalclinched, but not likely to be the last.

24th Felsite, 252, Late Spring

While staring at the numbers of the books, Bim suddenly stopped working, as if possessed by some unknown force! Muttering something about rough colour, she barricaded herself in the jeweler's workshop.

1st Hematite, 252, Early Summer

Summer is here! And apparently so is an alligator!

Time to put Ast's training and militia colleagues to the test.

2nd Hematite, 252, Early Summer

They had to chase down the beast, but they caught up to it and made short work of it. Ast landed the killing blow with her axe, decapitating it in one fell swoop! Well done!

Not a bad start to her military career, I'd say. Her shield is something we picked up from elven traders earlier in the Spring. Seeing as it came in rather useful, I think I might make some more!

6th Hematite, 252, Early Summer

While everyone was out fighting, Bim collected together some rough gems and set herself to work, eventually emerging with a rock crystal scepter of some kind, called "Neutralechoed the Clan of Dwellers". The ordeal has left her as an expert gem cutter.

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