Friday, December 23, 2011

The Little Fortress Of Horrors

1st Timber, 256, Late Autumn

Dear god this is horrifying.

The tantrum spiral has slowed with the influx of new dwarves. The older ones are losing their minds as all their old lovers/friends/rivals keep dying on horrible ways, and the misery drives them to suicide or homicide. It affects the children the hardest as they lose parents, but then the moment they go berserk and start attacking people, they are torn apart the dogs we trained for war.

Only the dogs.

All the dogs just leap at the children, shaking them until they bleed to death.

So there's that going on.

Also, our old mayor finally died from melancholy, along with our legendary miner that got in a fist-fight with the brewer and caught an unfortunate blow to the temple. Soon, there won't be a single original dwarf left.

More importantly, though, I'm about to throw the switch.

The switch is connected to a system of water-wheels and windmills all powering water pumps that will pump water through a series of hallways. The water-pumping will be automated, so once it starts, I won't be able to  turn it off short of destroying the pumps.

Another switch will open a floodgate which will allow water to pour into the entrance-way of the fortress, where all the traps are. If I manage to trap enemies in there, I'll be able to dump them into the moat and watch them drown. The only downside to this system is that I won't be able to retrieve the equipment of fallen foes, but that's just being greedy.

Also, since it's a closed system, I don't know if the water pressure won't just make the whole thing explode.

Welp, time to find out!

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