Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Village Of Coalclinched

10th Malachite, 252, Mid-Summer

Just as yet another wave of migrants arrives, the military is busy chasing a goblin thief through the wilds. I think I'll let this one escape, since it didn't manage to grab either of our two children. I need to focus on the immigrants and where to put them.

We need more masons and stone engravers, but we're doing pretty good for haulers. I've started construction on the outside defenses. It's going to be straightforward enough: a bridge-accessed tower, with a moat around it. It'll make cage traps easier to place and sieges easier to handle (hopefully).

The first of the new wave of immigrants is Vabok "Oiledgrooves" who is a talented speardwarf, a butcher and a surgeon. I feel like those three things shouldn't be related, but it makes sense for them to be. That leaves the question of where to put her. In the new hospital that's completely under-equipped? In the militia squad? We already have a butcher, but no doctor... Medical dwarf it is, then!

Only 8 dwarves in this wave, with a new hauler, a new stone smoother, a new mason, and a few more military recruits. Not too bad a haul. I just need to name someone a nurse to help the new Chief Medical Dwarf.

26th Galena, 252, Late Summer

Our expedition leader, Zon, has been possessed! Hopefully we'll have everything needed to sate whatever foul demons have taken possession. If not, a human trade caravan is still sitting in our Trade Depot, so surely they'll have what we're missing.

4th Limestone, 252, Early Autumn

It seems we can't find what Zon is looking for. We're thinking it's silk cloth, which the traders don't have. There's is one thing we can do to make sure, however, and that's to dig down until we hit the underground caverns. There's a good chance there'll be spider silk, and from that we can make silk thread, from which we can weave silk cloth.

It's a long shot, but it's either that or have our expedition leader lose his mind.

Armok save us.

13th Sandstone, 252, Mid-Autumn

Alas! Despite having found caves with webs, the dwarf we assigned to gather it was too stupid to find the exit of the room he was in to collect anything. As a result, Zon has gone berserk. The only thing to do now is put him down.

And I think I'm going to do something about that web-collecter...

Zon, now berserk, is chasing other dwarves around the fortress. He got as far as the stairs out of the crafts-shop floor when Ast and her militia of now ten-strong dwarves appeared. Before he could say a thing, one of the newest recruits, Degel Luslemalath, jammed her spear through his head.

What a terrible end to such a noble dwarf, one of the original 7, the one that led everyone here.

Well, now that he's dead, everyone can grab his stuff!

In his honor, Ushrir built a statue of him being appointed as expedition leader and we erected it in the statue garden. I've also put another one of Bim, and this time Bim is surrounded by lizards. Seriously, what is their problem with Bim?

16th Sandstone, 252, Mid-Autumn

With this latest wave of migrants, we're now at 55 dwarves. The void left by Zon has been filled by Rigoth "Craftstall" Rigothshukar, now voted mayor since our hamlet has officially become a village. While the position is a lofty one, she also has demands: decent quarters, an office, a private dining room and so forth.

Rigoth also happens to be our broker and does all our trading, so at least she's being useful.

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