Thursday, December 22, 2011

Fracturing Sanity

26th Slate, 256, Mid-Spring

Migrants! Migrants have arrived after a lengthy dry-spell. For once, I'm, actually glad to see them. We are currently at 67 dwarves, and about half of those are in the military, meaning construction and things have slowed down considerably.

Let's see how many were fooled attracted by the promise of starting a new life here in Coalclinched.

1st Felsite, 256, Late Spring

Nineteen new faces! Among which were a couple of competent markdwarves, one competent military tactician, and one student. All of them now bolstering our military numbers.

We are at a population of 86 now. I'm going to assgin the vacant bedrooms to some of these newcomers and let the rest share the beds in the dormitory.

22nd Felsite, 256, Late Spring

An ambush!

It rarely fails: a caravan arrives and then goblins attack. I'm starting to suspect maybe the goblins follow the caravans in?

Anyway, I'm going to call for a general retreat and see how my traps and elven merchants deal with this. I'll keep the rest of the dwarves on stand-by.

26th Felsite, 256, Late Spring

We lost four dwarves to the ambush, but the traps at the front gate have proven effective.

The center is full of weapon and stone-fall traps, but goblins are adept at dodging these, so they're also lined with cage traps. This results in the goblins avoiding the traps and leaping right into the cages!

Looks like we've got plenty more fodder for our arena!

1st Hematite, 256, Early Summer

We survived the ambush, but the fortress is currently going through something of a tantrum spiral. A marksdwarf was killed in his bed by an angry hammerdwarf, and now even the militia commander has lost it! Hopefully not too much damage will be done before everyone calms down...

7th Hematite, 256, Early Summer

Although the worst of it seems to have passed, Zaneg Mengemen, the hammerdwarf-murderer, has gone completely insane and stark-raving mad. This is bad news for several reasons: first is the obvious damage this dwarf can do while mad. Second, if anyone is attached emotionally to said dwarf, they may also throw a tantrum once we put down Zaneg.

Although... no, okay, we're okay. Looks like Zaneg is only running around babbling, not actually hurting or destroying anything. I guess all the death that's surrounded her and her actions were just too much! Besides the one dwarf she accidentally killed in her fit of rage, she also has a troll to her name.

But now, there's nothing to do but wait until she dies of dehydration...

9th Hematite, 256, Early Summer

Well, it appears I may have spoken too soon!

Zaneg was standing on the only bridge out of the fortress, babbling like crazy, and I didn't think anything of it. Imagine my surprise, then, when she destroyed said bridge! Now everyone is stuck inside the fortress!

It's just lucky no one actually fell into the moat!

13th Hematite, 256, Early Summer

This tantrum spiral is never-ending! Now a woodcutter in the military has gone berserk! It was in the middle of practice, so he's surrounded by armed dwarves, but also filled with insane rage. I hope he goes down without much of a fight.

Oh crap, he's armed with a battle-axe.

This may get messy.

16th Hematite, 256, Early Summer

Okay, so he went down easy, but no one is happy about it. In the hopes to calm everyone down, I've scheduled no training for a bit. At least until everyone cheers up a little.

Maybe if I put statues in everyone's rooms...

19th Malachite, 256, Mid-Summer

This is a dark year for Coalclinched! The tantrums are still going, but diminishing in severity. Bembul, who was jailed a while ago, has been struck with melancholy and refuses to drink. Alath, a planter that was also jailed for a number of tantrum-related crimes, was accidentally killed when her sentence of a beating was carried out.

Also, those elvish merchants I mentioned during the ambush? I accidentally offered them something made from wood and they left in anger.

Through all this misery and death, a woodcutter was taken by a fey mood and constructed a most awesome throne, bearing the carving of Mosus lifting the crown he made three years earlier.

5th Galena, 256, Late Summer

The mayor has been struck with melancholy! This bodes especially bad as she was quite well-liked by many, many dwarves. Beloved by children, especially, and we even managed to meet most of her demands!

Times are tough.

27th Galena, 256, Late Summer

Wow, things just got really dark. One of the many children of the fortress just went berserk, flying into a violent rage.

I'm not sure if I should just let it run its course or take it down.

28th Galena, 256, Late Summer


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